Timo Fischer

Homepage & Showcase

Hey, it's me 👋🏼


Timo Fischer


Thanks for being here ... I am from Germany, 26 years old and working as a Data Analyst and Solution Engineer. My passion is doing sports and working on new challenges. On this website have a look on my resume, as well as some repositories I have created over the time. Enjoy!

About Me

Aug 1996

Born in Frankfurt / Main

July 2014

Graduation from school with high school diploma

Jan 2017

Finished apprenticeship (IHK Frankfurt ) for "computer science expert - software development" at Dimension Data Germany

Oct 2017

From January 2017 - October 2017: Software developer at Dimension Data Germany

Sep 2020

Bachelor of Science - Business Information Systems (Sales & Consulting) at Cooperative State University Mannheim in cooperation with Dimension Data Germany

Sep 2022

Master of Science - Business Information Systems at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Have a look on this article if you are interested in my results.


My Skills

Writing Python scripts for automation or other stuff.

PostgreSQL & MySQL

Database Management Systems like Postgers or MySQL.

Remote Sensing Data

Master Thesis on how to automate forest inventories using remote sensing data using ensemble-learning and Python.

Creating & maintaining websites from scratch or by using different frameworks like Laravel or Slim.

From TCP / UDP Server-Client-Architecture to small apps.


App development for Android using Java, databases and more interfaces.

Websites like this one.


Styling and improving websites like this website.


Building single page applications using Angular version 4 or higher. Also building Web-Tools using Ionic v5.

JavaScript & jQuery

Improving websites like this website by using JavaScript / jQuery.

Linux OS

Deploying projects on Linux operation systems.

Automating configuration processes using Ansible and other APIs

Managing Google's cloud infrastructure by using Terraform and Infrastructure as Code.

My Repositories

Estimating Tree Damages Using Remote Sensing Data

Master Thesis

An investigation using ensemble learning for the classification of tree damage classes to determine forest condition using the Black Forest as an example.

Form Validation


JavaScript form validation designed for Bootstrap v3. Define custom validation rules and compare form values to patterns and display your own validation messages.


JavaScript plugin that allows you to transfrom any string on your webpage into some random generated strings and decode it into clear text again.

CSV Converter


Python v3 script to parse a CSV-file into JSON-file. Column headings in your csv-file will be used as JSON-keys and each line in csv-file will be displayed as it's own object.